
Umay Ham

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German recipes with an oriental touch

We are proud and happy to produce Halal products for you in our production facility in Japan, which have been refined for decades by Germany's leading meat and delicatessen masters and whose taste we have improved to the highest ranking of international level.

Umay Ham has its production facility on the side of the beautiful Kisogawa river with a heavenly view on Inuyama Castle.
We have very high hygiene standards in our facility. We send our products periodically to be tested in food laboratories. The japanese HACCP concept, a systematic preventive approach to food safety, is strictly followed.

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Anadolu dokunuşlu Alman tarifi

Almanya’nın önde gelen Et mamülleri ve Şarküteri ustalarından alınmış onlarca yıldır tadı geliştirilmiş ve uluslararasıalanda en üst seviyede yer alan Ürünleri sizler için Japonya’daki Üretim Tesislerimizde Helal olarak üretmeninmemnuniyeti ve gururunu yaşıyoruz.

Üretim tesisimiz Kisogawa Nehirinin yanında ve Inuyama Kalesi'nin muhteşem manzarasına sahip konumda bulunmaktadır. Fabrikamızda çok yüksek hijyen standartlarına sahibiz ve ürünlerimizi defalarca laboratuvarlarda test ettiriyoruz. HACCP (Japonca) konseptine kesinlikle uymaktayız.

Halal Meat

Contact Us

  • » For Retail and Gastronomy only! We can also produce your meat and sausages individually.
  • » Your personal data will not be shared with third parties. We will use your contact details only to get in touch with you, to respond to your inquiries, to consult you individually or guide you through your order.

Asked Questions


Producing Halal Products - Our Origin Story

«يَٓا اَيُّهَا النَّاسُ كُلُوا مِمَّا فِي الْاَرْضِ حَلَالًا طَيِّبًاۘ وَلَا تَتَّبِعُوا خُطُوَاتِ الشَّيْطَانِۜ اِنَّهُ لَكُمْ عَدُوٌّ مُب۪ينٌ» (Source: Bakara Suresi 168. Ayet, Türkçe Kur'an Mealleri)
"O mankind! Eat of that which is lawful and wholesome in the earth, and follow not the footsteps of the devil. Lo! he is an open enemy for you." (Translator: M. Pickthall)

For over twenty years we have felt the need for Muslim migrants and their children in Japan who have been complaining about not being able to get their hands on tasty halal sausage and meat products.
Many japanese women and men who converted to Islam are missing this taste and for many mothers and school children it is troublesome with eg. bentō boxes, where they have to abstain from the use of wiener or frankfurter sausages, ham, etc.
We as Umay Ham want to permanently eliminate this problem with our premium sausage and meat products.
In order to address this problem we have worked out new recipes with some of the best master butchers from Germany and Turkey and added our family's traditional recipes. I stand for the good quality of our products with my name:

Murat Selcuk Asikoglu (Owner, CEO)

How and where can I get some?

Enter your contact details in the form and send us a request. We will get in touch with you as soon as possible or send you our product list.

Where does your meat come from?

Umay Ham works and processes only very well selected halal meat from Australia and poultry from Japan.
Additionally, only the best quality meat and delicate spices are being processed. Therefore, our customers may know that they are being offered premium products.
We have very high hygiene standards in our facility and send our products periodically to be tested in food laboratories. The japanese HACCP concept, a systematic preventive approach to food safety, is strictly followed.